
"Tony Montana! This dump just got a whole lot classier!"
―Alex Smith greeting Tony

Alex Smith is a minor citizen character featured in Scarface: The World is Yours.


Not much is known of Alex Smith's background, except that he's the Miami drunk, along with Adam.


Alex Smith can be found just about anywhere in the game at night. However, he most commonly spawns walking drunk on the sidewalks with a bottle in hand or the alleyways, taking a piss behind the dumpster.

His most common, determined spawning spots are behind the bank in Little Havana, near the drug dealer, walking towards the sidewalk near El Ocho, the dumpster spot before the jumping dirt in Downtown (where he always spawns pissing with Jeffica Harkley) and the lower wall near the Downtown bank, where he is sitting on it and looking down on the road.

During the days, he can be found dancing at the U-Gin Shotgun Bar.

Conversation with Tony[]

"Tony: Why you fucking walk like that, man?
Alex: You ain't making much sense, but I'm drunk, so... fuck it.
Tony: Trunk? Oh, big surprise. I can smell you from here.
Alex: That's one fucked up accent! You Mexican or some shit?
Tony: I'm from Cuba, you dumb fucking cocksucker.
Smith: You know what? We should hang out. Buy me a drink.
Tony: Fuck you! Buy your own drinks.
Alex: That is exactly what I was sayin' to Benny and-ey, where'd Benny go?"
―Alex Smith's drunken-ass conversation with Tony


"Jesus on a jet plane! It's Tony Montana."
―Alex Smith spotting Tony with high rep.
"Tony, you deserve a medal man, a fucking MEDAL!"
―Alex Smith talking to Tony with high rep.
"Gonna get you a sombrero and then you can go back to Mexico."
―Alex Smith waiting in a traffic stop
"And then she rejected me? What?? She's totally a dyke, dude."
―Alex Smith's idle talk
"Hey man, got any money? I just ran out all of my cash on my credit card."
―Alex Smith's idle talk
"Tony Montana for president! For fucking president, man!"
―Alex Smith when talking to Tony
"My grandma has a bigger gun than that, I swear."
―Alex Smith when the player pulls out a weapon
"No weed for me, man. I'm all about the bottle."
―Alex Smith's idle talk
"Mr. Montana, I'm a dumb, drunk motherfucker! I'm sorry, if I offended you."
―Alex Smith when bumped into a high rep. Tony


  • Judging from some of his quotes, Alex appears to be a bit racist to Mexicans.
  • He is the only character in the game to have a carrying item modded onto his body; in his case it's a liquor bottle.
  • Due to his more prominent presence in Downtown than the rest of the locations, like North Beach, Alex might live in Downtown.
  • He appears to be in a relationship with Jeffica Harkley due to her spawning with him at the dumpster urinating spot in Downtown and dancing with him in the U-Gin Shotgun Bar, unaware that he's actually a transvestite.
  • He appears to be acquainted with a character named 'Benny', however no NPC exists in the game with such name.
  • He shares his surname with Mr. Smith, but it is unlikely that they're related since Smith is a common last name.

