- "You should have seen that cocksucka', one punch and he folded like a cheap tent."
- ―Bret to Tony
Bret Cagney is a minor enemy character in the game Scarface: The World Is Yours and is one of Nacho's most common henchmen.
Bret Cagney is a gangster working for Nacho Contreras in Miami and on his cargo ship on the Islands. Judging from his accent, he appears to have come to Miami from New York. Bret is a Bloodsport enthusiast.
Bret's beta names were Sergio and Pietro.
Bret appears in game as a Nacho mook more than any other member of the cartel, and he spawns in Downtown with the rest of Nacho's thugs. There will usually be more than one Bret fighting the player when clearing Downtown gang nest missions. Bret, like all the other rival gangsters, can also be talked to if the player has a low gang heat, and he usually makes comments about Bloodsport fights and how much money he lost on them. He always spawns in the Industrial Zone, even after the end of the game.
Cagney appears in the O'Grady's Liquor Store front mission and Babylon Club front mission as an enemy. He also guards the Marina Storehouse when Tony Montana takes it over. On the Islands, Cagney protects Nacho's Tanker and Nacho Contreras himself with a Sniper Rifle once Montana plans to kill him. Lastly, he appears during the "Un-Load" mission, protecting Hervé Colosis.
In one of Felix's Downtown leads, Bret will be driving a bus with a bunch of other henchmen and the vehicle must be stolen from him.
- "I tell you man, never bet on a middleweight with a foot speed of a paperweight."
- ―Bret to Tony on how to bet
- "That middleweight cocksucka's lucky he's in a coma, or I'd be kickin' his ass right now!"
- ―Bret to Tony, mad that he lost a bet
- "I don't think Johnny's gonna make the championship, they got his jaw so tighten so far he has to eat pussy through a straw."
- ―Bret on Johnny Tank
- "I mix it up with the best of them, man, and I punch a lot harder than fucking you."
- ―Cagney threatening Tony
- "Have you noticed the nightclubs around here are getting queer? They're like a vegetarian's food, they're full of fruit."
- ―Bret to Tony about gay nightclubs
- "Me cago en tu tumba!"
- ―Bret when attacking Tony
- "Aaahhha!!! Chingate, chingate!"
- ―Bret when fighting Tony
- "Chupar esto, Montana!"
- ―Bret when fighting with Tony
- "Chingate y tu madre, chinga!"
- ―Bret taunting Tony
- "Aaarggha, chingate!"
- ―Bret attacking Tony
- "Holy shit!"
- ―Cagney when ran over by car
- "I'm in a rotten mood, I lost a good chunk of change last night."
- ―Cagney nagging about his Bloodsport loses
- "You seen the ring girl last night? I tell ya, I get me some of that, she better be ready for more than ten rounds! Ha."
- ―Cagney on the ring-girl at the fighting cage
- "There's this big Russian tonight! Second fight's on the bill, there's guarantee they'll double your money back."
- ―Cagney discussing the Bloodsport fights
Personality and traits[]
Most of Bret's personality seems to be based upon his enthusiasm for cage matches, specifically Bloodsport. This actually makes sense, as the Contreras Cartel controlled all of the gambling on The Islands and some parts of Miami, mostly Downtown.
- Similarly to Bob, Bret talks in English without any accent, but taunts Montana in Spanish. He probably does this to sound more intimidating.
- He mentions Johnny Tank, member of the Blood Brothers, in one of his quotes.
- Similarly to some other gangsters in the game, Bret wears a cross necklace, but it is more likely to look cool rather than any religious reasons.
- Similar to George, a capo in the, Bret comes from New York.