
"You're messing with the wrong government agency, bitch!"
―Clarence chasing down Tony

Clarence is a minor, optional enemy character in the game Scarface: The World Is Yours.


Clarence (also known as Swat Sniper) is an MPD S.W.A.T member who operates in special police cases.


Clarence and his men are seen early in the game already - in the first mission, where he will appear in the last cutscene, attacking the Bolivian Cartel with his men. He (or at least someone in the same outfit) is seen shooting down a Bolivian cartel soldier with a Sniper Rifle as Tony Montana gets to his Ambassador and escapes the crime scene.

Other than that, Clarence can only appear in the game when the player reaches more than a half of all cop heat and is chased by the cops. Him and a pack of his agents will be jumping out of a DEA Chevrolet Step Van at a roadblock with the most effective weapons, like shotguns and Carbine assault rifles. Once Tony loses the cops, Clarence will instantly disappear from the map. If the player fails to evade the police and the SWAT before the white line gets to the "YOU ARE FUCKED!" level, Clarence and his goons will start using choppers armed with SAWs to kill Tony.

Clarence (named Swat Sniper), just like the Miami Coast Guard and Tupper, can be bet on in a Bloodsport match. He is generally a good fighter and usually wins his bouts.


"Engage that piece of shit!"
―Clarence in Bloodsport
"Roast this asshole!"
―Clarence chasing down Tony
"Attack SQUAD, pattern delta!"
―Clarence barking orders
"Shoot this piece of shit!"
―Clarence barking orders during a chase
"Kill him already!"
―Clarence in a fight
"Don't let that cocksucker walk!"
―Clarence in a fight


  • Like with Tupper, the player cannot have an actual conversation with Clarence nor a conversation in general, unlike with the DEA Agents. This has been proven with modding said characters into the game.
  • On the remastered version, Clarence and Tupper wear green, army-like bulletproof vests, instead of blue ones while their outfit is black instead of blue.
  • In beta, Clarence and the rest of the S.W.A.T were supposed to wear sleeveless shirts.

