Gomez Cartel Member is a minor enemy character in the game Scarface: The World Is Yours, and Scarface: Power, Money, Respect.
Nothing is known of this hombre's background.
He can be found where other Gomez Cartel members are, he can never be found in Cuba like other Gomez members.
"For my family!"-Member while chasing Tony
"My enemy will die!"-Member while attacking Tony
"Bloodsucker!"-Member while chasing Tony
He has black moutscahe, has a green or red bandana, wears either a green shirt and black jacket or pink shirt and black jacket, he has black pants and black shoes.
- He shares the same quotes as Evil Scot.
- Tony cannot have conversation with him.
- His weapon of choice appears to be Sub-Machine Gun.
- He acts like some sorta pirate.