
"What's going on, Big T?"
―Jose greeting Tony

Jose Marie Campos is a minor citizen character featured in Scarface: The World is Yours.


Jose M. Campos appears to have been born in the Southern United States judging from his accent, although his name implies he has Mexican ancestry, or that at least one of his parents came to America from Mexico.

If you mod the game and implant him into the gameplay, he will be labelled as the Boss, implying he owns an organisation, yet it is unknown which.

According to his dialogue he is married, but is the submissive one in the relationship and gets frequently pegged by his wife.


Jose is one of the rarer type citizens in the game and may only spawn in the early mornings at the parking lot near Coconut Grove in Downtown or the sidewalks of South Beach.

Conversation with Tony[]

"Tony: What you doing in Miami?
Jose M. Campos: Florida's my kinda place. Full of good, patriotic American folk and cheap blow.
Tony: You look sick. What's the matter?
Jose: My goddarn wife keeps riding my ass!
Tony: Riding your ass? Maybe you should take her to the disco? Women like to dance, you know?
Jose: You know fellar's on the frilly side if he likes to disco dance.
Tony: What you talking about, frilly? Dancing doesn't mean you're a maricon, man.
Jose: Why them frilly fellers wanna get married anyway? A man gets married, he might as well chop off his nutsack right then and there."
―Jose's conversation with Tony


  • Jose appears to not like his role as a simp for his wife, but his wife doesn't let him divorce her.
    • It is possible that his wife is Nina Kim, giving her dominant stance and attitude.
  • His bad experiences with his marriage makes him question why homosexuals want marriage rights at all. Homosexual marriage was a hot issue at the time the game is set in.
  • Interestingly enough, he has a female middle name.
  • He shares his first and last name with Jose Campos. His middle name was likely included to avoid confusion over the two.

