Logan was an employee of an auto chop shop in the Industrial Park, used as a front for Nacho Contreras, runned by Colosis. After taking over South Beach, Tony goes around the industrial park to gather trucks to transport the cocaine stored in Nacho's Tanker. Fighting his way through waves of Nacho's remaining goons, and killing Colosis, Tony hires Logan to work for him. Afterwards, Logan oversaw the loading of the coke inside two trucks, with a third acting as a decoy, and informs Tony that Nacho's death has been spread out, and that Gaspar Gomez and the Diaz Brothers will try to expand their operations. Logan would call Tony as soon as he dropped the coke off at Marina Storehouse that the truck that Maribel is driving heading towards Havana Storehouse is ambushed by Gaspar's men, propting Tony to rescue her, and the truck, making sure the delivery gets through.