
"Mr. Montana! Come join us, c'mere, I'll buy you a drink."
―Montoya greeting Tony when in a group of friends

Victor Montoya is a minor citizen character in the game Scarface: The World Is Yours.


Victor is a Cuban, but doesn't appear to be an immigrant to Miami and was born there instead, due to his low opinion on refugees.

He also appears to take parts in criminal acts, as he can be hired as an assassin and fights in Bloodsport matches.


Montoya can be found all over Little Havana and sometimes in Downtown or South Beach, particularly the Mele Casa theatre. Victor can also be found sniffing around and in Pedro's Pawn Shop and other fronts in Little Havana. Victor can also be found roaming the Black Sands near Nacho's Tanker on the Islands. He can also be found in Nacho's Tanker casino, playing blackjack or a slot machine, or just drinking and relaxing on a bench.

Victor, along with Marcos and Joe Madge, also appears as a hired gun of Contreras Cartel during the Babylon Club front mission.

Montoya can also be bet on in a Bloodsport fight under the name of 'Alejandro'. He is quite a powerful wrestler to face off, and usually wins in a fight.

Conversation with Tony[]

"Tony: Hey, asshole, is it your laundry day?
Victor: I know that accent, where you from?
Tony: What the fuak difference does it make where I'm from, okay?!
Victor: You remind me of my cousin, he's fuckin' crazy insane.
Tony: Your cousin? Fuck that! I ain't like your fucking cousin, you got that?
Montoya: It's getting more and more obvious you're FOB: Fresh off the Boat.
Tony: FOB? Oh yeah!? Well, FY: Fuck you!
Victor: You better watch your mouth, you never know who's hearing you."
―Tony and Victor's argument


"Tony Montana, great to see you're doing well."
―Victor talking to Tony
"I'm coming to get ya! I've brought my little friend and I'm coming to get ya!"
―Victor taunting
"Imagine this: A film with two Mexican guys, and all they do is get high all the time."
―Victor's idle chatter
"Who's your daddy now, eh, papi?!"
―Victor taunting
"Hey cabron, Tony."
―Victor greeting Tony
"Argh! FUCK!"
―Victor when shot
"Bitch-slap me, Tony. I deserve it."
―Victor when bumped into with high Reputation
"Hey-hey Tony, we gotta have a drink together!"
―Victor talking to Tony
"And then he called me a spic! I mean, what do I look like?"
―Victor conversing with other citizens
"Why do you keep looking at me like I'm a woman, man? What are you, a f*g?"
―Victor conversing with other NPC's


  • Victor will spawn in either an all green outfit (as seen on pictures and the infobox), a white shirt and black pants or a pink shirt with brown pants.
  • Victor, along with El Ocho, are the two of the citizen type characters that have their subtitles misspelled.
  • Similarly to some other Hispanic residents in Little Havana (who don't belong to any gang), Victor claims to take part in criminal activities, such as mugging people, according to his quotes.
  • His taunt, "I've brought my little friend and I'm coming to get you!" is a reference to one of Tony Montana's most famous quotes.

